Dolphins Facts for Kids – Questions and Answers

Dolphins are known as marine mammals and are part of the cetacean family which also includes whales and porpoises.

Because dolphins are marine mammals they are warm-blooded, require oxygen to breathe, nurse their young with milk and give birth to their young.

Today there are currently around 40 known species of dolphin in existence, however several of their species are currently considered endangered and at least one or two species have become extinct.

In terms of location dolphins can be seen swimming in all of the worlds major oceans, although most species prefer living in warmer climates.

Dolphins are extremely intelligent and very friendly mammals capable of hunting together in well-organized groups, developing close social and emotional bonds with family and friends and learning complex tasks.

They are also known to have a very sophisticated and advanced language which scientists and marine biologists hope to one day be able to recreate through technology that will allow them to communicate with these amazing mammals.

Common Questions Kids Ask about Dolphins

Kids love dolphins and for a good reason.

Dolphins are amazing marine mammals capable of performing amazing acrobatics and are known for their friendly, often inviting behavior.

When it comes to learning about dolphins kids ask all types of questions about them.

Below is a list containing some of the most frequently asked questions kids want to know about the dolphin species.

Continue reading to learn about what dolphin look like, how big they can grow, what types of food they eat, where they live and more.

P.S. although dolphins may be friendly you should never approach them without the guide of a trained professional in a safe environment.

What do Dolphins Look Like?

Most dolphins have light-long streamlined bodies that are designed for fast swimming and making high leaps out of the water.

All species have two flippers, a fin, a tail, two flukes and a single blowhole which they use for breathing compared to their larger baleen whale relatives which are born with two blowholes.

In order to swim dolphins’ use their tail for propulsion while their flippers and fin helps them stabilize, turn, roll and navigate through the water.

While dolphins may vary in color most species are white, black or various shades of grey with a possible combination of white and black.

A few species may be brown, yellow or pink in color.

How Big are Dolphins?

Dolphins can vary greatly in size depending on their species.

The smallest known dolphin is maul’s dolphin which can grow to lengths of around 4 feet.

The largest known dolphin is the killer whale which can grow to lengths of over 30 feet, however most species grow to an average size of 16 – 26 feet.

What do Dolphins Eat?

Some dolphins will hunt for and consume fish, cod, herring, mackerel, squid, plankton, krill, cephalopods and crustaceans while others such as the killer whale will consume larger prey such as large squid, sea lions, walruses, seals, sharks, seabirds, turtles and even large whales.

Dolphins that live in captivity are generally fed frozen fish.

How are Dolphins Different from Fish?

Dolphins vary from fish in a number of ways.

First of all dolphins are marine mammals and like all mammals they require air to survive otherwise they would drown.

Fish on the other hand extract oxygen from the water and do not need to surface above the water to acquire oxygen.

In fact fish are likely to suffocate above water (because their gills are not designed to breathe air) while dolphins can drown below the water (because their blowholes cannot extract oxygen from the water).

Dolphins are also warm-blooded and require blubber in order to stay warm while fish are cold-blooded and are able to adjust to the different temperatures of the water without the need of body fat to keep them warm.

Most species of fish are also known to lay eggs and can lay hundreds of eggs in a single year while dolphins bare a single offspring once every 1 – 6 years while they are fertile.

In order to raise their offspring dolphins will feed their young milk through their nipples while baby fish carry a small sack that feeds them until they are able to hunt on their own.

Where do Dolphins Live?

Dolphins can be found living in all of the worlds major oceans, although they typically prefer to live warmer climates.

There are two main types of dolphin.

The first type of dolphins are coastline dolphins which live near the coast line.

While not always the case these dolphins tend to be smaller in size and use the coastline as a safe guard against large predators that live further out to sea.

The second type of dolphins are offshore dolphins which can be found living further out to sea and are generally made up of larger dolphin species such as the killer whale and pilot whale (both belong to the dolphin family).

Part of the reason larger dolphins live further from the coastline is because they are less likely to be attacked by predators.

The other reason larger dolphins are found swimming around in the ocean is because it’s where they find their food.

Some species of dolphin can only find their food in the ocean since the coastline waters are too shallow to support certain types of aquatic life.

Where Can I See and Interact with Dolphins?

Dolphins can often be found at the aquarium and at marine shows where they can be seen performing amazing acrobatic feats organized by special trainers.

In some of these events people are even allowed to interact directly with the dolphins and feed them.

Dolphins can also be found at locations that offer ocean and dolphin snorkeling expeditions.

If you prefer to observe dolphins in their natural habitat there are several places that offer the ability to swim with dolphins and even pet them.

Places such as Hawaii and the tropics are well-known for their amazingly clear water snorkeling classes and expeditions where people are able to swim in the ocean and observe dolphins and amazing coral life that can only be found in these beautiful waters.