How Many Types of Dolphins Exist?

Dolphins are marine mammals and part of the cetacean species, including whales and porpoises.

The entire cetacean species consists of about 80 different species of whale, dolphin & porpoise, of which dolphins make up about half of that group.

There are currently around 30 – 40 different known & recorded species of dolphins.

Dolphins (or rather their ancestors) have existed for over 10 million years (the whale’s ancestors have been around for over 40 million years).

Over that course of time, dolphins have evolved into the marine mammals we now see today.

Dolphins can be found inhibiting all of the oceans throughout the world.

A small handful of dolphins live in freshwater habitats among the many dolphin species.

These are the Amazon, Chinese, Ganges, and Indus river dolphins.

Dolphins are known for their intelligence and generally playful demeanor.

Their intelligence and personality make them a dominant species and of interest to marine biologists everywhere.

Some biologists and scientists believe that the dolphin’s language is so complex and advanced that we may one day have conversations with them through technology.

In addition to being intelligent creatures, dolphins are also known to perform amazing feats of acrobatics.

Some species of dolphin have been observed or trained to swim to depths of over 1000 ft, leap over 25 feet out of the water, and swim faster than 30 miles per hour.

Regarding how big a dolphin can grow, its maximum size can vary significantly from Maui’s dolphin (Maui’s dolphin can be found living in New Zealand).

This dolphin is a meager 4 feet long with a weight of around 90 – 110 pounds.

Comparatively, the killer whale (found in most oceans worldwide) measures 20 – 26 feet and weighs a staggering 22 000 pounds.

Although dolphins have teeth, some species swallow their food without chewing and use their teeth to grab onto their prey and prevent it from escaping.

Regarding physical characteristics, most dolphins have slender aerodynamic bodies that allow them to travel quickly through the water with little resistance.

Many species are either a mix of light and dark grays or highly contrasting white and black tones.

A few species have unique skin coloring, such as the pink Amazon River dolphin, which, as the name suggests, has a bright pink color.

Diets can also be an area of significant variation among the many different dolphin species.

Popular foods among dolphins include fish such as cod, herring, capelin, mackerel, squid, and various crustaceans.

A few species also hunt and consume marine mammals and seabirds.

If you are interested in learning the names of the many different species of dolphin, most of these dolphins can be found by checking out the toothed whale’s page at the top of the website.

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