Do Whales Poop?

Yes, whales do poop as a way to release toxins from the body as do dolphins and porpoises; and pretty much all known animal species for that matter. In fact pooping, vomiting, sneezing and sweating are a few of the ways animals remove toxic chemicals/substances from the body, so you could say that pooping plays …

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Is A Whale A Shark?

Although both animals live and thrive in the ocean and there is a species of shark that is called the whale shark the whale species is very different from sharks. In fact sharks are actually considered a type of fish while whales, dolphins and porpoises are marine mammals. There are currently over 400 known species of shark …

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Are Whales Intelligent?

Yes, whales are an intelligent species of mammals. However, animal intelligence can be measured in several ways, so perhaps a better question is, “how intelligent are whales?” Most of the research on this topic comes from studying dolphins that belong to the same cetacean family that whales do and observing whales in their natural habitat. Whales, …

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How Do Whales Reproduce?

For a number different whale species the path to reproducing offspring begins by leaving their local feeding grounds and preparing for their long migration trip to their breeding/calving grounds where the male whales compete with one another for the right to mate with a female and have a chance to pass on their genes to …

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Types Of Whales

As a species whales compose around 90 different animals within the cetacean family. The cetacean family is made up of three types of marine mammals known as whales, dolphins and porpoises. Although the term whale can be used to describe dolphins and porpoises it is rarely used when describing these animals in order to prevent …

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