Do Killer Whales Eat Sharks? | A Brief Overview

Killer whales hunt and consume sharks when they have difficulty finding other less defensible prey.

Killer whales have also been known to hunt various marine mammals, including some of the largest known whales.

Depending on where the killer whale lives, its diet can vary widely.

In addition to sharks, these dolphins may consume many aquatic fish, invertebrates, and mammals.

Animals Killer Whales Eat:

Killer whales are referred to as apex predators by marine biologists.

Being an apex predator means they can hunt and search for food without having any natural predators.

As a result, they do not have to worry about being hunted and attacked.

Aside from being apex predators, killer whales are also equipped with echolocation, which helps them search for food that isn’t visible to the naked eye.

This comes in handy in low-light environments and at night when it is often difficult to see what’s in front of them.

When it comes to hunting sharks, one known method killer whales use is to flank the shark and swim beneath it to force it to move to the ocean’s surface, limiting its ability to escape.

The killer whales then attempt to ram the shark or hit it with their tail to flip it upside down.

It temporarily paralyzes the shark so it can attack without worrying about being attacked by the defenseless shark.

Throughout history, people’s views about killer whales have changed from dangerous sea creatures that should be feared and never approached to intelligent, interesting, and friendly marine mammals.

They have even played leading roles in movies such as Free Willy and have been the main attraction at marine parks due to their ability to learn complex tricks and perform amazing acrobatic feats.

Fortunately for us, even though they may eat other mammals, they don’t want to attack or consume people, and that’s great news for us.

Despite this, caution should be taken when in the vicinity of a killer whale (never approach them in the wild) as there have been rare attacks on humans when the killer whale feels threatened or cornered.

Professional trainers have spent years learning how to train, handle and direct these massive marine mammals and have learned proper safety procedures to deal with killer whales when close to them.

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