What Is The Biggest Dolphin in the World?

When it comes to dolphin species, there are a wide variety of different dolphin species inhabiting the world’s oceans in both the tropical and northern/southern polar regions of the world.

With such a wide variety of species comes a large variety of sizes ranging from 4 ft. to over 30 ft. long, depending on the dolphin.

This article talks about two species of dolphin that vary significantly regarding their size, diets, and behaviors.

The two species we will discuss are the killer whale and Maui’s dolphin.

What is the Biggest Dolphin in the World?

The largest known dolphin currently exists is the killer whale (aka the Orca or Blackish), one of around 80 – 90 species within the cetacean family.

The killer whale (along with all dolphins) belongs to the toothed whale suborder because it possesses teeth and uses echolocation to search for food and navigate the ocean.

This marine mammal gets its name due to its large size and killer appetite, which we will explain in more detail below.

In terms of size, the male killer whale can grow between 20 ft. – 26 ft. on average and weigh over 6 tons when fully grown, while females typically grow between 15 ft – 23 ft and weigh around 4 tons.

The largest recorded killer whale measured 32 ft. and weighed over 10 tons!

When it comes to their diet, killer whales have been known to eat fish, cod, herring, mackerel, and squid, and in some cases, they will also consume larger prey such as giant squid, sea lions, walruses, seals, sharks, birds, turtles, and even large whales.

Foods Killer Whales Consume:

Because killer whales don’t have any natural predators, they are known as apex predators.

This is because they can survive in the ocean without fear of being attacked or eaten by other hungry predators.

Killer whales are one of the most well-recognized marine mammals in the world and are easily spotted by their black and white contrasting skin tone.

They are also extremely intelligent and well-organized and can develop highly complex social structures.

Most killer whales can swim in pods of 2 – 30 dolphins; in some cases, as many as four generations of family members can be seen traveling together.

Killer whale pods may temporarily grow to contain several hundred dolphins during foraging or traveling.

Killer whales are a well-connected and developed species and are considered to have one of the most stable social structures of any animal kingdom.

Their social structure is often compared to humans and elephants due to their hierarchy, social structure, and intelligent behavior.

Although killer whales often prefer cold waters, they can swim in the world’s major oceans, from the northern and southern Antarctic parts to the tropical regions in and around the equator.

Even though killer whales can be found swimming worldwide, they are not known for making big migration trips and tend to migrate for feeding purposes more than for reasons related to mating.

Since killer whales rely heavily on their food supply, they can travel with their food to maintain their diet and do not necessarily follow any particular routes or patterns throughout the year.

What is the Smallest Dolphin in the World?

The smallest known dolphin is Maui’s dolphin or Popoto, a subspecies of Hector’s dolphin.

Not only is Maui’s dolphin one of the smallest known dolphins it also happens to be one of the rarest dolphins, with estimates stating that there may be less than 100 Maui’s dolphins in existence today.

These dolphins are only found swimming off the North Island’s west coast in New Zealand.

Because of their small size, these dolphins are primarily found living in and around the coastline near the shore in waters less than 60 – 70 feet deep, where they can avoid threats from larger predators and easily maintain their pod size without fear of fear losing sight of one another.

How Small is Maui’s Dolphin?

In terms of size, Maui’s dolphin can grow to an average length of around 4 – 6 feet and weigh about 95 – 115 pounds.

Maui’s dolphin belongs to the toothed whale suborder and can be quickly noticed because of its small black rounded dorsal fin on its back and short snout.

These dolphins have gray sides and backs with white and black markings across various body parts.

While the species is tiny, Maui’s dolphin has an estimated lifespan of about 20 years.

What does Maui’s Dolphin Eat?

Maui’s dolphin is known to eat a diet consisting mainly of small fish such as cod and flatfish.

They may also be seen consuming small squid.

Shortly after birth, a baby Maui’s dolphin will consume milk from their mother’s nipples until it can hunt and survive without its mother’s support.

In many cases, newborn dolphins can eat and hunt at around six months, at which point they can begin to stop feeding from their mothers.

Where does Maui’s Dolphin Live?

As stated early, Maui’s dolphin can be found swimming off the North Island’s west coast in New Zealand.

Previously Maui’s dolphin was also found living in the Taranaki area of West New Zealand.

However, they no longer appear to be living in that area.

Today they are only seen off the North West Coast of the central and upper North Island areas.

Is Maui’s Dolphin Endangered?

Yes, Maui’s dolphin is an endangered species.

Recent estimates state that less than 100 Maui dolphins exist today.

While various efforts to protect Maui’s dolphin have been put into place, their slow reproductive behaviors make it difficult for them to repopulate quickly enough to replenish or grow their species.

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